Sharon Zhengyang Sun
Sharon Zhengyang Sun is the Trade Policy Economist at the Canada West Foundation in Calgary, Alberta. She specializes in research on international trade policy and the Asia Pacific. She has a long-standing research interest in China-Canada commercial relations and China’s free trade agreement behaviours and effectiveness. Her broader interest focuses on the impact of free trade agreements in the Asia Pacific region on trade and trade infrastructure.
Some of Ms. Sun’s work includes China’s industrial policy, Made-in-China 2025’s impacts on Canadian trade, Western Canadian provincial export opportunities with Japan under the CPTPP, and addressing Chinese non-tariff barriers on Canadian agricultural exports, among other trade agreement and trade related issues.
Ms. Sun has contributed to opinion pieces and has been interviewed as a subject matter expert by publications such as The Globe and Mail, Hill Times, Global News, Western Producer, and Maritime Magazine. She has also appeared on radio and podcast interviews related to trade and economic relations with China and the Asia Pacific, such as CBC radio, RealAg Radio, and Business in Vancouver. She has made several presentations and roundtable talks to producer associations, business associations, federal, provincial, and smaller community governments.
Ms. Sun is a Ph.D. candidate at the Norman Paterson School of International Affairs, Carleton University. Prior to joining Canada West Foundation, she was an associate researcher with the Centre for Trade Policy and Law and an instructor at the Sprott School of Business, Carleton University. Sharon holds a Master of Science in International Business from Barcelona School of Management, ESCI and Pompeu Fabra University, Spain, an Honours in Bachelor of International Business (Carleton University) and has had various international work experiences in business analysis, research, and consultation, focusing on China and the Asia Pacific region.