Travel and Hospitality Expense Reports (May 2023), Charles Labrecque

Charles Labrecque, Acting Vice-President, Research & Strategy

Travel Expenses

CSCAP Study Group Meeting

Purpose: CSCAP Study Group on strengthening consensus on the rules and principles underpinning international order (RPUIO)
Date(s): May 21 - 28, 2023
Destination(s): Hanoi, Vietnam
Air Fare: $4,827.94
Other Transportation: $116.51
Accommodation: $386.56
Meals and Incidentals: $747.57
Total: $6,078.58

Hospitality Expenses

Lunch Meeting (1 guest)

Description: Lunch Meeting (1 guests)
Date(s): May 12, 2023
Location: Nightingale, Vancouver
Total: $95.40

Coffee Meeting (1 guest)

Description: Coffee Meeting (1 guest)
Date(s): May 25, 2023
Location: Gartenstadt, Hanoi
Total: $15.51

Coffee Meeting (1 guest)

Description: Coffee Meeting (1 guest)
Date(s): May 25, 2023
Location: Daewoo Hotel, Hanoi
Total: $8.78