Council for Security Cooperation in the Asia Pacific (CSCAP)

The Council for Security Cooperation in the Asia Pacific (CSCAP) is a non-governmental (Track II) initiative that fosters dialogue on security issues among its 21 member countries in the region. CSCAP provides an informal mechanism for scholars, officials, and others in their private capacities to discuss political and security issues and challenges facing the region. 

Established in 1993, CSCAP provides policy recommendations to intergovernmental bodies, convenes regional and international meetings, and fosters linkages with institutions worldwide to exchange insights and experiences on regional political-security cooperation.

CSCAP activities are guided by a Steering Committee, which is co-chaired by a member from an ASEAN Member Committee and a member from a non-ASEAN Member Committee. Malaysia (through the Institute of Strategic & International Studies (ISIS) Malaysia) acts as the CSCAP Secretariat. The Asia Pacific Foundation of Canada is the Canadian Member Committee and the editor of CSCAP’s annual publication, the Regional Security Outlook.