Travel and Hospitality Expense Reports (October 2023), Charles Labrecque

Charles Labrecque, Acting Vice-President, Research & Strategy

Travel Expenses

ICAS Roundtable Panelist & APF Canada Board Meeting

Purpose: Attending the Institute for China-America Studies (ICAS) Roundtable as observer (Oct 17) and panelist (Oct 18), and APFC Fall Board Meetings in Toronto (Oct 19-20)
Date(s): October 16 - 20, 2023
Destination(s): Washington D.C., U.S.; Toronto, ON
Air Fare: $99.50
Other Transportation: $242.48
Accommodation: $857.17
Meals and Incidentals: $544.78
Total: $1,743.93

Hospitality Expenses

There are no hospitality expenses for this period.