Travel and Hospitality Expense Reports (September 2023), Jeff Nankivell

Jeff Nankivell, President and CEO

Travel Expenses

Konrad Adenauer Stiftung (KAS)'s Annual Meeting of the "Global Strategic Advisory Group" (GSAG)

Purpose: To join the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung (KAS)'s Annual Meeting of the "Global Strategic Advisory Group" (GSAG) as an invited speaker. KAS covered all expenses for travel including airfare and accommodation. Meeting from Sep 10-13.
Date(s): September 9 - 13, 2023
Destination(s): Cadenabbia, Italy
Other Transportation: $50
Total: $50.00

JSAC Conference and CIAC Outreach

Purpose: Regina (September 27 & 28) CIAC outreach, Saskatoon (September 28-30) JSAC Conference speaking & CIAC outreach
Date(s): September 27 - 30, 2023
Destination(s): Regina & Saskatoon, SK
Air Fare: $1,093.44
Other Transportation: $404.80
Accommodation: $687.94
Meals and Incidentals: $215.54
Total: $2,401.72

Hospitality Expenses

There are no hospitality expenses for this period.