Travel and Hospitality Expenses Reports (2017/2018, 3rd Quarter), Eva Busza

Eva Busza, Vice-President, Research and Programs

Travel Expenses

The Women2Womem Roundtable

Purpose: Attend the Women2Women Roundtable
Date(s): December 14 - 16, 2017
Destination(s): Regina, SK
Air Fare: $899.56
Other Transportation: $8.20
Accommodation: $193.21
Meals and Incidentals: $107.19
Total: $1,208.16

Canada-China Track II Energy Dialogue and the Innovation Beijing International Forum

Purpose: Attend Canada-China Track II Energy Dialogue and the Innovation Beijing International Forum
Date(s): December 2 - 8, 2017
Destination(s): Beijing, China
Air Fare: $7,405.82
Other Transportation: $37.35
Accommodation: $1,451.67
Meals and Incidentals: $240.74
Total: $9,135.58

The Victoria Forum

Purpose: Attend the Victoria Forum
Date(s): November 18 - 19, 2017
Destination(s): Victoria, BC
Other Transportation: $82.99
Meals and Incidentals: $151.80
Total: $234.79

Hospitality Expenses

There are no hospitality expenses for this period.