Travel and Hospitality Expenses Reports (2017/2018, 3rd Quarter), Victor T. Thomas

Victor T. Thomas, Vice-President, Prairie Region

Travel Expenses

Attend APF Canada Board Meeting and Executive Committee Meeting

Purpose: Attend APF Canada Board Meeting and Executive Committee Meeting
Date(s): November 15 - 17, 2017
Destination(s): Vancouver, BC
Air Fare: $611.34
Other Transportation: $17.85
Meals and Incidentals: $32.87
Total: $662.06

Meeting with Calgary Stakeholder

Purpose: Meeting with Calgary Stakeholder
Date(s): November 30, 2017
Destination(s): Calgary, AB
Air Fare: $189.13
Other Transportation: $45.21
Accommodation: $223.42
Total: $457.76

Hospitality Expenses

Business Lunch

Description: Business Lunch
Date(s): October 5, 2017
Location: Earls, Regina, SK
Total: $52.42

Business Lunch

Description: Business Lunch
Date(s): November 9, 2017
Location: The Diplomat Steak House, Regina, SK
Total: $45.84