APF Canada Distinguished Fellowship Open Call

The Asia Pacific Foundation of Canada accepts applications for Distinguished Fellowships for individuals who have set themselves apart through their research achievements and contributions to the community. In addition to recognizing the recipients’ accomplishments, Distinguished Fellowships also provide an opportunity for the Foundation to engage with experts on areas of special, mutual interest.

Distinguished Fellows are appointed for two-year terms without a base honorarium. During their fellowship term, Fellows will commit to a mutually-agreed-upon set of deliverables. The Foundation may approach Distinguished Fellows to ask for their expert advice when shaping research projects. A small grant will be made available for Distinguished Fellows to publish with the Foundation, or under its name.

Fellows are chosen by an in-house Selection Committee comprising a panel of experts, as well as members of APF Canada’s Board of Directors. Successful candidates are established members of the Canada-Asia practitioner community and possess knowledge and demonstrated work in the fields of Canada-Asia relations and policy.

For a candidate to be considered by the Selection Committee, those interested in applying must provide:

•    A letter explaining how you would contribute to the Foundation’s mission, for example: op-ed writing, peer-reviewed journal publications, issue-driven dispatches, in-house policy briefs, etc. (500 words maximum.)

•    A recent CV highlighting Asia Pacific experience and contributions.

Deadline for applications: Currently closed, please check back in the Fall of 2022.

Final appointments are made based on mutually agreed conditions of appointments with selected candidates. Applications should be submitted via email to stephanie.lee@asiapacific.ca.

When applying, please use the subject line: Distinguished Fellowship -  First Name Last Name

For any questions or more information, please contact Stephanie Lee, Program Manager, Networks and Partnerships at stephanie.lee@asiapacific.ca.

Click here for our Distinguished Fellows program homepage.