A Message from APF Canada’s President & CEO Jeff Nankivell on the War in Ukraine

In today’s Special Edition of Asia Watch, our APF Canada research analysts have focused exclusively on the implications for Asia of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. I encourage you to visit our homepage to read our latest analysis and to subscribe to Asia Watch as we continue to monitor these developments in Asia.


Russia’s actions are a clear and egregious violation of international law. The ongoing brutal, indiscriminate assault on civilians is a moral outrage, for which there can be no justification whatsoever.


While as professionals we at APF Canada are focused on analyzing the implications of this seismic event for Canada and the Asia Pacific, for us as people – Canadians and global citizens alike – witnessing the unfolding horror, our hearts go out to the people of Ukraine and to all those in Canada and elsewhere whose lives have been touched by this calamity.


If you are looking for ways to help the victims of this tragedy, we commend to you the Ukraine Humanitarian Crisis Appeal of the Canadian Red Cross.