Fikry A. Rahman

Head of Foreign Affairs, Bait Al Amanah research institute, Malaysia

Fikry A. Rahman is the Head of Foreign Affairs at Bait Al Amanah, a research institute based in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. He is the 2024 Non-resident Vasey Fellow at Pacific Forum.

His interests are ASEAN regionalism, maritime security, smaller states’ strategy, and the politics and geopolitics of digital connectivity co-operation.

He has been involved in various research projects, including Princeton University’s Chinese BRI in Southeast Asia, the Peace Research Institute Oslo’s Southeast Asian countries’ co-operation with Chinese digital connectivity, Australian-based Blue Security Program’s maritime governance, and Pacific Forum’s maritime security in the South China Sea.

He has been quoted by Nikkei Asia, The Diplomat, AMTI-CSIS, Pacific Forum, and the New Straits Times.