The fourth in APF Canada's series on the impact of the CPTPP on merchandise and services trade between Canada and Asia, this 'mini-report' focuses on Malaysia, one of the seven ‘AP7’ economies (signatories to the CPTPP) in the Asia Pacific. 

Tracking bilateral trade relations with Malaysia at the national and subnational level in the five years post-CPTPP ratification (from 2019 to 2023) with 2018 data for context, our CPTPP Mini-Report: Malaysia below identifies future trade opportunities for Canadian firms interested in expanding their presence in Malaysia.

Rachael Gurney

Rachael Gurney is a Senior Project Specialist, International Trade and Investment, at the Asia Pacific Foundation of Canada. She has a M.A. in Political Science and Contemporary East Asian and Southeast Asian studies from the University of Toronto and a Bachelor of Arts from the University of British Columbia. Her master’s research focused on resource nationalism in Indonesia’s critical mineral mining policies. Her research interests concern natural resource policy, foreign direct investment, and free trade.

International Trade & Investment Report: The Impact of the CPTPP on Trade Between Canada and the Asia Pacific Investment Monitor: Canadian Pension Fund Investments in the Asia Pacific: Balancing Diversification and Growth Against Geopolitical Tensions Investment Monitor: Indonesia as an Emerging Hub for Critical Minerals and Electric Vehicles: Opportunities and Risks for Canada Read more >