Travel and Hospitality, 2011/2012, 1st Quarter, Jordan Dupuis

Jordan Dupuis, Project Manager

Dépenses de voyage

NCA Retreat

But: Participate in NCA Retreat and other NCA work
Date(s): June 14-17, 2011
Destination(s): Vancouver, BC
Frais d'avion: $822.77
Hébergement: $1,038.76
Repas et dépenses annexes: $103.32
Total: $1,964.85

University of Alberta Institute for Public Economics Conference: "China and India Global Power Shift"

But: Attend conference, conduct video interviews
Date(s): May 8-11, 2011
Destination(s): Edmonton, AB
Frais d'avion: $793.07
Autres transports: $153.00
Hébergement: $291.22
Repas et dépenses annexes: $47.85
Total: $1,285.14

NCA Vancouver Launch

But: Attend and assist with the launch of the National Conversation on Asia in Vancouver
Date(s): April 19-22
Destination(s): Vancouver, BC
Frais d'avion: $822.77
Autres transports: $107.00
Hébergement: $656.25
Repas et dépenses annexes: $45.60
Total: $1,631.62

NCA Toronto Launch

But: Attend the launch of the National Conversation on Asia in Toronto
Date(s): April 14, 2011
Destination(s): Toronto, ON
Autres transports: $47.00
Total: $47.00

NCA Montreal Launch

But: Attend and assist with the launch of the National Conversation on Asia in Montreal
Date(s): April 13, 2011
Destination(s): Montreal, QC
Frais d'avion: $591.50
Total: $591.50

Dépenses d'hospitalité