March 25-26, 2024
Summary and Recommendations Report
The Asia Business Leaders Advisory Council (ABLAC) held its seventh annual meeting on March 25-26, 2024, in Vancouver. With the Government of Canada almost two years into the implementation of its Indo-Pacific Strategy at the time of this meeting, and amid a backdrop of increasing geopolitical uncertainty, targeted and strategic business engagement with the Indo‑Pacific region is more important than ever.
The 2024 meeting offered an opportunity for ABLAC to recommend specific next steps for the further strengthening of Canada-Asia business engagement.
20 et 21 février 2023
Rapport de synthèse et de recommandations
Le Conseil consultatif des chefs d’entreprise sur l’Asie (ABLAC) a tenu sa sixième réunion annuelle à Singapour le 20 et 21 février 2023, au moment où la cité-État mettait fin à la plupart des restrictions COVID-19. C’était la première fois en quatre ans, depuis la réunion annuelle de 2019 tenue à Hong Kong, que le Conseil se réunissait en personne. La réunion tombait à point nommé, puisqu’elle intervenait après la publication, en novembre 2022, de la Stratégie pour l’Indo-Pacifique (SIP) tant attendue du Canada. Cette stratégie constituait une priorité de politique étrangère défendue par les membres de l’ABLAC lors des réunions précédentes.
April 7 & 8, 2021
Broad Diversification: Strengthening Canada-Asia Engagement After COVID-19
The Asia Business Leaders Advisory Council held its fifth annual meeting in a virtual setting on April 7-8, 2021. More than 150 ABLAC members and invited guests convened virtually over the two-day meeting to discuss a number of timely issues related to the overarching meeting theme. The key takeaway echoed throughout the ABLAC 2021 meeting is that engagement with Asia is as important as ever and will be crucial for Canada’s own post-COVID economic recovery.
View the ABLAC 2021 Meeting Booklet
*Note: ABLAC 2020 was postponed due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
February 27, 2019
Preparing Canadians for a Highly Connected Future with Asia
ABLAC 2019 marked the Council’s first meeting outside Canada. The meeting focused on encouraging trade agreements, ensuring an Asian component to Canada's Innovation Superclusters strategies, and increasing Canada’s Asia-competent talent pool through education.
March 2, 2018
Our third ABLAC meeting helped define the focus of previous discussions and commence action. Council members discussed topics including: Removing barriers to engagement, accelerating enhanced connectivity, and informing an Asia Strategy for the Government of Canada.
March 13, 2017
ABLAC 2017 focused on connecting innovation ecosystems, hearing Asian business leaders’ perspectives on Canada, and capitalizing on the current geopolitical situation.
February 26, 2016
Our first ABLAC meeting focused on building Canada’s brand in Asia, defining Canada’s competitive opportunities, and deepening Canada-Asia commercial networks.